State Farm Fire Granted Bad Faith and Punitive Damages for a Complete Victory in the Western District of Oklahoma

GableGotwals represented State Farm in Leon and Kimberly Taylor v. State Farm Fire & Casualty Company in the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma with Judge Robin J. Cauthron presiding. The Court sustained State Farm’s motion on the breach of contract claim, and by extension, bad faith and punitive damages, making for a complete victory at the trial court level. This case involved public adjuster Coppermark.

By |2024-08-23T16:10:00-05:00September 6th, 2022|Comments Off on State Farm Fire Granted Bad Faith and Punitive Damages for a Complete Victory in the Western District of Oklahoma

State Farm Fire Bad Faith Summary Judgment Win in the Oklahoma County District Court

GableGotwals obtained summary judgment in Phoenix v. Dawkins v. State Farm Fire and Casualty Company. The suit was initiated by Phoenix Construction Disaster Services and Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff, Taressa Dawkins, added a Third-Party claim against State Farm for breach of contract and bad faith. Oklahoma County District Court Judge Sheila Stinson held Dawkins breach of contract claim was barred by the one-year contractual limitations period. She further held in favor of State Farm on the merits of the claims for breach of contract and bad faith, making for another complete victory at the trial court level.

By |2024-08-23T16:11:07-05:00August 31st, 2022|Comments Off on State Farm Fire Bad Faith Summary Judgment Win in the Oklahoma County District Court

Summary Judgment Win on Behalf of a University

GableGotwals obtained summary judgment for a University in the District Court of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma. The University was sued for terminating a service contract with a vendor. The University counter-claimed for declaratory relief on grounds that it properly terminated the contract. District Judge Don Andrews held the vendor was in material breach of the parties’ service contract and the University’s termination was justified under the contract’s terms. Further, the Court held that the University did not tortiously interfere with the vendor and that the vendor was not entitled to an equitable accounting.

By |2024-08-23T15:48:23-05:00August 31st, 2021|Comments Off on Summary Judgment Win on Behalf of a University
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