The Oklahoman recently wrote that GableGotwals shareholder Robert McCampbell is a “nationally recognized expert on the U.S. Constitution.” The piece further explained that Robert is an Oklahoma City attorney who specializes in constitutional law.

The article in The Oklahoman concerned SB 1027 (2025) which would impose certain restrictions on gathering signatures for an initiative petition. The article quoted McCampbell, stating “The courts are unanimous that circulating a petition is ‘core political speech’ where First Amendment protection is at its ‘zenith.’” The article further quoted McCampbell, stating “‘The restrictions on core political speech embodied in SB 1027 cannot survive scrutiny under the First Amendment.'”

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Will the German Federal Court of Justice find the substance of Birkenstocks has transubstantiated from functional orthopedics to works of art while their accidents remain unchanged? The iconic sandal manufacturer hopes so. Birkenstock is fighting a new wave of imitators and, therefore, seeking copyright protection for its Bohemian footwear in three recent suits. While the sandals may find some hope in Germany’s lowered creativity threshold, most likely, they are without a place to stand.

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