Press Releases

The American Arbitration Association® (AAA®), the leading provider of conflict management and dispute resolution services, has selected Chris S. Thrutchley to be Oklahoma’s AAA Employment Arbitrator. The use of arbitration to resolve a wider variety of disputes has grown extensively and has become a significant part of the justice system on which our society relies for a fair determination of legal rights.

Sid Swinson has recently authored Chapter 7 Practice from a Trustees’ Perspective which was included in the Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report. The article outlines common mistakes made by debtor’s attorneys and provides guidelines to help bankruptcy attorneys avoid these errors.

Tulsa’s Young Professionals honored the businesses, organizations and volunteers who have most supported the TYPros mission over the past year at its third annual Boomtown Awards. Adam Doverspike was recognized as the Government Relations Crew Member of the Year.

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